Early Script Ideas

The following is my first idea for a script that I will roughly stick to for my performance:

I saw 8 red cars on the way here; that means it’s going to be a good day. Red is my favourite colour and if I see an even amount of red cars, it’s a good day, but if I see an odd amount of red cars, then it’s going to be a bad day. Always a bad day.

I like jazz music. Which is odd because I like things to be even and sound right and have an order. Just like a basic rock song: introduction, verse, chorus, verse, chorus, solo, chorus and then outro. They’re also generally in a 4/4 time signature, which is basically 1 semi breve or 2 minims or 4 crotchets to a bar, or 8 quavers, 16 semiquavers, 32 demisemiquavers, 64 hemidemisemiquavers, 128 semihemidemisemiquavers or 256 demisemihemidemisemiquavers. Whereas jazz is more all over the place. My mind isn’t all over the place, it’s all in order and I know where to find anything and everything in my mind. It’s as though there’s filing cabinets each with their own category and if I need it, I know where it is and I can find it and say it.


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